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It's Not About You

- Natalie Leon

The Future Does (Not) Look So Bright


            Has there been a social norm that kids need to be self-absorbed, lazy anarchists that some Sabercats haven’t gotten the memo? It’s not unknown that technology leads to narcissism, mental illness, and addiction, etc. In addition, our generation is so caught up in Facebook posts in their adolescence and think there’s something inherently wrong with them when they don’t get 90 likes on their picture. Therefore, many kids don’t know how to develop deep, meaningful relationships, because they didn’t need to, cyber friends were enough, because social media is everything nowadays. So they’re left with no coping mechanisms, they then turn to their devices when they’re depressed because it’s like electronic social approval and kids die for it. They already have. You want a friend? You’ll get one almost instantaneously. Need a girlfriend? Swipe right!

            A Harvard study revealed that teens turn to social media. This addiction was procreated by a chemical called dopamine which is why when you eat to food, money, or when taking drugs, it feels good. Sabercats turn to these things because they know they’ll get immediate satisfaction and temporary relief. Personally as a senior, I have started to realize that life is way better looking forward than when you’re looking down at your phone. And now you do to, so eliminate your phones from as many situations as possible. I’m not saying, “burn your phones! Obviously you will have a phone if you feel like it’s necessary. But, right now your life is just consisted of school, sports, and friends. Anyways, my point is that you, Sabercats, don’t need to let everyone know that you’re ‘bored so hmu’. Boredom isn’t bad. There’s an endless amount of things you could do with your time. How could that be classified as bad?

            However, if you turn to your phone when your bored, just take in your surroundings and the people around you and engage in an interesting conversation that you genuinely enjoy. Better yet, explore the things you’re interested in and if you do that, you’ll find that you don’t need approval from anyone and you surely do not need likes to determine if you are important enough for people to be your friend. Disengage yourself from our virtual world we are so familiar with sometimes and emerge yourself into reality, because social media and the approval it drags along with itself is just a bunch of garbage. Again, disengage yourself from social media--there’s a whole other world that’s been right in front of you and you haven’t even known it.

            Maybe teens should take a step back of thinking about themselves and think about other people’s problems. You know what they say, ‘the people who give the most, receive the most’. We hope you guys improve for your own well-being, have a safe and great Spring break, Sabercats!

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