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- Adam Gillihan




          Don’t worry, there’s help. High school can be very scary, it might feel like you were dropped in the middle of a storm. Strong winds carry good friends away and the lightning only gives you enough light to see a deadline when it’s right in your face. No matter what, there is a place where the thunder fades and the sun breaks through the clouds. We owe too much to our counseling department for all they do for us. Our counselors all do it for the same reasons, they love interacting and connecting with students. In the end, all they want is for us to be successful.


          Mr. Carbonneau, our senior counselor, says students can best use him as a “sounding board.” “Sometimes just saying something out loud to someone makes it more real. I can help guide you, but that’s probably not what you really need. What you need is just for me to say….yeah, do that!” Your counselors are also there to help with college and career planning. They have planned campus visits at the 3 main colleges in the state, trips to UofA and ASU were held earlier, both huge successes. Mr. Boyd has countless experiences that can help students, all they need to do is ask. Mr. Boyd suggests that all students “have confidence in themselves and set goals.” Setting goals is important, and there is more than one way to do it. Mr. Carbonneau says, “You don’t have to do it on schedule, you just have to get it done taking small incremental steps and eventually you’ll be there.” When it comes to promoting positive self-image and helping students overcome obstacles in their life, our counselors are always available. Mrs. Sutterby says, “Be the best you every moment of every day. Everyone is unique and has different talents and abilities. Be the best you you can possibly be.”


          When it comes to relationships, Mr. Carbonneau gives this piece of advice, “Take the time after high school to go somewhere new, meet someone new, experience things out of your comfort zone. Don’t settle down with anyone too quickly. Just take some time to get to know ‘you’.”


          Counselors can be seen as very serious people, but they have their fun side as well. Most people would be surprised to hear about Mr. Carbonneau’s love for surfing. He started in California at the age of 10, he even spent a whole summer surfing in Hawaii. Mr. Boyd started in the education field as a coach, most people know he loves sports. What you might not know is how he loves cookies and waffles with strawberries.


          No matter how much the storm rages on, you can always find shelter in the counseling department.

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