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Change on Campus,

Change on the Field

- Ariana Cleavenger

          This year marks a fresh new beginning for San Tan Foothills. Many changes have been made and new things are being put into place. One change here on campus is a change within girls soccer. Much like boys soccer, there is a new coach and a ton of new players. There is a total of 22 players on the soccer team this year. The girls are coached by Ms. Piercy and just like Mr.Carrell, the boy's soccer coach, she is a math teacher and this is her first year coaching at the high school level. Ms.Piercy says that she really enjoys spending time with the girls and coaching them. As their coach, she plans to teach the girls to work together better because that is something they need to work on.

            According to Piercy, they do a good job of having each other’s backs, but they need to work on becoming more cohesive. One of Piercy’s tactics to help the girls is letting her three coaches take on some responsibility in leading the team. Her captains are implemented as role models who connect the team and guide them in various things such as drills on the field. Besides improving the team as a cohesive unit, she plans on giving the girls a really fun season where they can improve their skills and win. Soccer is meant to be a fun learning experience and it is very important to love the game if you play it.

Piercy hopes that the girls take away conformity and harmony from the sport because it will help them in the real world when working with others. Piercy hopes for a great season with her girls and she believes the season might start off slow, but the girls are going to do great in the end. Coach Piercy says that soccer provides a great experience for team bonding and creating friendships. It teaches unity and cohesiveness to players and overall it is a great sport. If you are interested in joining soccer in the future, Ms.Piercy encourages you to try it out. For further information on joining soccer in the future, email:

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