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Let's Substitute 8th Graders for Freshman!

-Camille McKillip-

            As we know, Mr. Perales is the Freshman math teacher, but did you ever think that he would be teaching the 9th grade standard to eighth graders? Well, he does and I was really interested to know what it’s like working with them and his experiences. I never would have thought that such smart and creative 8th graders would be so excited to learn Algebra 1.


            I first asked what the experience is like and he described it as a lot like teaching freshman. There are some big differences  and challenges in him teaching the eighth graders, but he enjoys being able to go more in depth in the topics since they're a little more academically ready. There really isn't a huge difference between eighth grade math and Algebra so, he wasn't too shocked that they were understanding it well. There are some differences in their personalities because they are a little immature since they have a middle school mind set.There are also some big challenges in this experience, such as the fact that they use laptops that are a little over 3 years old since they were used in the beginning years at Poston Butte, so they're a little slow. They produce challenges since the whole class and even our whole school uses new electronics. Due  to the fact they are only at San Tan Foothills for one hour, it also makes it challenging to do tutoring after school. Even with all of these challenges, they should be proud they are being prepared for higher math and the fact that everyone is impressed on how well they do in school.

            I had a good time getting to know what's it's like to teach middle school students. When you teach freshman all day, it turns out it's pretty similar in the academic side, but there are always differences and challenges. It definitely would be a challenging thing to go through one plan and change for one class so it's a good thing you are able to do the similar lessons. I have a good feeling that Mr. Perales does his job right and makes them comfortable.  

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